Institute of Functional Medicine: Ondamed Therapy

I believe we are beings of energy.

On a microscopic level, we’re all made up of vibrating particles. Specifically, different organs and groups of cells all vibrate at their own specific frequencies. What’s more, the body produces electromagnetic and other fields around it—some known as aura and others as bio-fields. And when an imbalanced biochemistry of our neurotransmitters and peptides causes an imbalance in our internal electric currents, diseases occur!

Our frequencies are disrupted by severe environmental pollution that we all face. For instance, we’re all exposed to electromagnetic fields created by cell phones, electric appliances, and other sources of technology. This environmental pollution can form or worsen a vibration deficiency in our organs and their cells. There are also various technologies available in the functional and holistic energy treatment market that restore disturbed vibrational frequencies.

After conducting thorough research, I have selected one such technology called “Ondamed”. Overall, this Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) device addresses various chronic disorders. These issues include depression, fibromyalgia, insomnia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Moreover, I consistently see positive outcomes in Parkinson’s patients, individuals with persistent Lyme disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome patients, and those suffering from chronic pain.

To learn more about Ondamed therapy, just see the Manufacturer’s website here.