This traditional Eastern European herbal gargling solution has mended millions of sore and painful throats, including tonsillitis or pharyngitis. If pain, redness, or fever persist beyond 2 days, make sure to see your family doctor to get swabbed for a throat culture. But in the meantime… the ingredients are:
1 tablespoon of eucalyptus, 1 tablespoon of calendula, 1 tablespoon of sage, 1/2 tablespoon of chamomile and 1/2 tablespoon of licorice – all dried herbs from a reputable herbal apothecary.
To do: Use any glass, ceramic or enamel-coated container which has a lid/cover.
Pre-mix all the ingredients in a small cup. Take one tablespoon of this mix, place it in the above mentioned container, and pour one cup of boiling water over it.
After stirring well, cover tightly and wrap with a thick towel to preserve the heat. Steep for 40 minutes.
Cover small strainer with a gauze, place it over a mug, and strain the gargle mixture into a mug.
Gargle and spit 4 times/day.
Note: You MUST make a new gargle mix every time you gargle.
I find this to be an effective gargle, which you can alternate with sipping on organic chicken soup, and gargling with sea salt and baking soda (1/4 teaspoon of each in a glass of lukewarm water – gargle and spit).