Probiotics: Important Players in the Gut Scheme of Things

Probiotics: Important Players in the Gut Scheme of Things

Medical research over the last few decades has established a fact: A large portion of our immune system is located in the gut. It is not surprising because we are home to trillions of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and even parasites—collectively known as a READ MORE

Pain After Surgery: A Holistic Perspective

Pain After Surgery: A Holistic Perspective

Chances are you have experienced pain syndrome at one time or another, or you know someone who has. Let’s touch on the subject many try to avoid — addiction to medications in the setting of chronic pain and how to avoid it. After READ MORE

CoQ10: What to Know About It & Its Benefits

CoQ10: What to Know About It & Its Benefits

One of the supplements receiving a lot of limelight recently is CoQ10. Several of my patients and friends have been asking about it after hearing about its multiple benefits on TV and online. CoQ10 is one of the most popular supplements today, and READ MORE

Unbalanced Thyroid: Natural Remedies

Unbalanced Thyroid: Natural Remedies

In my last blog post, I explored the unbalanced thyroid through a Functional Medicine Perspective. Many of you may have in fact experienced the classic hypothyroid symptoms of fatigue, sugar cravings, weight gain, and depression. And if you have been diagnosed with a READ MORE

Unbalanced Thyroid: A Functional Perspective on the Common Condition

Unbalanced Thyroid: A Functional Perspective on the Common Condition

Prevention is a foundation of Functional Medicine which I practice.  When I think of a disease that could easily be prevented if screened for early—Thyroid immediately comes to mind. In fact, almost 10% of the population is estimated to have some degree of READ MORE

Can Doing my Nails Cause Age Spots or Cancer?

Can Doing my Nails Cause Age Spots or Cancer?

Patient asked: I like to get my nails done around the holidays, but I heard on the news that the UV lamps at nail salons may cause age spots and even skin cancer. Do I really have to worry about this? Dr. Kogan: READ MORE

What is This Thing Called ‘Energy’, and Why Should I Care?

What is This Thing Called ‘Energy’, and Why Should I Care?

“There are many more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt in your philosophy.“ — Shakespeare, Hamlet 1.5. What images are evoked in your head when you pronounce the word ‘energy’? Most of us would think of power lines, lightning, storms, READ MORE

Healthy Traveling with a Gassy Stomach

Healthy Traveling with a Gassy Stomach

Is it POSSIBLE to travel safely AND stay healthy when you have a gassy stomach? Patient Asked: Every time I fly, I get very gassy. I’ve tried avoiding fiber and gassy foods, but it does not work. Our vacation is coming up. Is READ MORE

Herbal Remedy for Common Viral Colds and Coughs!

Herbal Remedy for Common Viral Colds and Coughs!

If you are in the beginning stages of an upper respiratory infection, there is no need for early antibiotic intervention; 80% of the upper respiratory infections are viral in nature, and will resolve on their own. However, taking a natural home-made remedy will READ MORE

Holiday Overeating Solved: Eat to Your Heart’s Content!

Holiday Overeating Solved: Eat to Your Heart’s Content!

Yes, it is that time of the year; Thanksgiving is right around the corner! And every time the holidays come around, most people who are not happy with their weight start counting calories, restricting certain food groups, fasting, or, what’s even worse, avoiding READ MORE

Microbiome and Chronic Disease: A Functional Connection

Microbiome and Chronic Disease: A Functional Connection

In recent years, the term “microbiome” has gained significant traction in both scientific circles and popular media. But what exactly is the human microbiome, and why is it important for our health, particularly in relation to chronic diseases? What IS the Human Microbiome? READ MORE

Holistic Remedies for Political Stress

Holistic Remedies for Political Stress

Being a Functional Medicine doctor makes you a confidant to people. Over the years, I have seen elections come and go and people reacting to the political climate in various ways. Naturally, there is always a dichotomy: someone is rejoicing and someone is READ MORE

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