fatigue can prevent you from completing your tasks on time and from achieving your personal and professional goals

Chronic Fatigue is not someone else’s problem – it is everyone’s problem. In fact, it the most common reason for the primary care office visits in the world today. Regardless of your age, sex, creed, or status in life – Fatigue does not discriminate. You can be black or white, old or young, a rocket scientist or a janitor – you have all experienced unexplained fatigue at one time or another.

Fatigue prevents people from performing activities of daily living, completing projects at work, spending quality family time, and reaching goals in general. Most of those who are chronically tired have had gamut of tests and the primary care doctor has already told you that there is nothing wrong with you – assuming that all of your testing came out normal – you are told to go home, take a chill pill, exercise, eat healthy, and mediate. You do all of the above things and yet….. you are still fatigued. At this point you start feeling really desperate: “Why is this happening to me, if I am doing everything by the book?”

Frustration leads you to explore internet and perhaps stumble upon this blog post. In the next few articles and video episodes, I will address “mysterious” chronic fatigue from the holistic perspective – peeling the visible and invisible layers of who we are as human beings – and hopefully – together we will find some solutions to your predicament.