Can Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements be toxic?

I received this online question: I started taking an Omega-3 fish oil supplement because I heard it helps lower risk for a heart attack.  But now I am hearing that some of these pills are tainted with toxic chemicals.  Should I toss mine? READ MORE

Holistic Perspectives Chronic Fatigue Episode 3

Holistic Perspectives Chronic Fatigue Episode 3

As we have mentioned in the previous episode, it would be smart to remove the negatives from our lives as much as possible. Avoid listening to disturbing music, news, construction noise and other irrelevant cacophonous sounds. Limit your time with people who are READ MORE

Holistic Medical Doctor Tips for Common Health Concerns

Holistic Medical Doctor Tips for Common Health Concerns

Patient asked: Two nights ago I went out for a walk and was ravaged by mosquitoes. Now one of the bites is surrounded by a 3” circle that’s red and swollen. Is this an allergic reaction? Dr.Kogan’s opinion: I don’t think so. Allergic READ MORE

Holistic Perspectives – Chronic Fatigue Part 1

Holistic Perspectives – Chronic Fatigue Part 1

Chronic Fatigue is not someone else’s problem – it is everyone’s problem. In fact, it the most common reason for the primary care office visits in the world today. Regardless of your age, sex, creed, or status in life – Fatigue does not READ MORE

Forget your Holiday Eating excuses

Forget your Holiday Eating excuses

So you are afraid of public speaking – now what?

So you are afraid of public speaking – now what?

Many of my patients who work as executives and need to speak in front of large crowds, get cold feet right before the event. The symptoms range from pounding heartbeat and breaking into sweat to feeling woozy and unable to focus. Even some READ MORE

Feng Shui – the energy of space

Feng Shui – the energy of space

Everything in your home that takes up space, takes up energy, too. Practitioners of the ancient Chinese art of feng shui believe a person’s environment can impact the health of their body and mind. If you’re feeling sapped or sappy, it might be READ MORE

Herbal Cough Remedy for common viral cold and cough

Herbal Cough Remedy for common viral cold and cough

        If you are in the beginning stages of an upper respiratory infection, there is no need for early antibiotic intervention. In fact, 80% of the upper respiratory infections are viral in nature, and will resolve on their own. However, READ MORE

High Cortisol – how to spot and handle it

High Cortisol – how to spot and handle it

          Here is a common “bouquet” of symptoms, associated with excessively elevated cortisol: -I have difficulty falling asleep AND/OR wake up many times during the night. -I can’t handle pressure at home or at work – stress just drives READ MORE

Springtime Symphony

Springtime Symphony

This Springtime symphony of feelings was inspired by the walk alongside Hudson River and Riverside Park.  New York City is awakening to a new Spring – a new beginning. As Pablo Neruda once said: “ You can cut all the flowers, but you READ MORE

Natural Treatment for Pain

Natural Treatment for Pain

A patient recently asked… “My family has a history of degenerative disc disease and I have suffered from lower back pain for several years. I am sick of relying on painkillers. Is there anything else that might have a lasting effect?” I answered: READ MORE

Eat meals fresh and avoid reheating

Eat meals fresh and avoid reheating

I have a lot of friends and colleagues who cook for 2-3 days and just keep reheating the food whenever they need it. However, there are some foods which I would like to bring to your attention, which should never be reheated. Not READ MORE

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