Leave Me Alone! I Can Manage My Own Stuff!

Leave Me Alone! I Can Manage My Own Stuff!

Leave Me Alone! I Can Manage My Own Stuff! Shocked and upset, I was standing in the hallway of our apartment, staring at a closed door. Not some stranger’s daughter – my own daughter’s door. I was me, whom she was addressing the READ MORE

Roasted Blueberry And Vanilla Quinoa Bowl

Roasted Blueberry And Vanilla Quinoa Bowl

Are you bored of your morning cereal and oatmeal options? Looking for a nutritious and protein-packed alternative? You can’t go wrong with our roasted blueberry and vanilla quinoa bowl! The quinoa will hold your hunger pains at bay into the afternoon, so no READ MORE

Uberdoctor® is finally here!

Uberdoctor® is finally here!

Did you know that now you can experience the benefit of a complete mind-body integrative assessment in the privacy of your home? This revolutionary service is being brought to you by a Board-Certified physician, Dr. Svetlana Kogan, M.D. Using a secure, HIPPAA –compliant READ MORE

Signs You Need A Heavy Metal Detox

Signs You Need A Heavy Metal Detox

Have you been feeling a little less than your usual self lately? You aren’t exactly under the weather, but you know that something isn’t quite right with your body? If so, you may be dealing with heavy metal toxicity. When the body is READ MORE

10 Well-Known People Who Love Hypnotherapy

10 Well-Known People Who Love Hypnotherapy

Do you struggle with emotional or behavioral issues? It’s no surprise if you do, since 88% of our feelings and emotions are linked to our unconscious. The only way to effectively access this part of our mind and make positive changes is through READ MORE

How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Lose Weight Now

How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Lose Weight Now

Everyone seems to be aware of the growing obesity problem in the United States today. Unfortunately, as the pounds add up, so does the likelihood of developing cancer, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and other serious medical conditions. Not READ MORE

5 Ayurvedic Cooking Tips

5 Ayurvedic Cooking Tips

Navigating a healthy lifestyle can be difficult, especially when it comes to eating well. The ancient tradition of Ayurvedic practices and cooking is a great way to nourish your body in all the ways it needs most! Following Ayurvedic recipes however, can be READ MORE

5 Foods To Lessen Your Heavy Metal Load

5 Foods To Lessen Your Heavy Metal Load

Heavy metals are nothing to mess around with. They are all around us and we even inhale, ingest, and absorb them on a regular basis! When they mount up in your system, they can very negativity effect your body as a whole, causing READ MORE

3 Reasons To Try Hypnosis For Smoking Cessation

3 Reasons To Try Hypnosis For Smoking Cessation

At this point, it’s a well-known fact that smoking cigarettes is bad for your health, as well as the health of everyone around you. Side effects include everything from lung, breast, cervical, throat, and other types of cancer to wrinkly skin, bad teeth, READ MORE

Why Is My Stomach So Sensitive All The Time?

Why Is My Stomach So Sensitive All The Time?

Many patients complain of feeling bloated all of the time, running to the bathroom with chronic diarrhea, and enduring frequent abdominal cramps. There are many reasons, sometimes more than one at a time, why people feel these Irritable Bowel Sydrome symptoms. Some folks READ MORE

Environmental Evils and Your Health

Environmental Evils and Your Health

When a person is exposed to repetitive multiple sources of high frequency electromagnetic fields, their normal cellular processes are disrupted. – Dr. Kogan M.D. Let’s talk about today’s environment and its effect on our health. We have all heard about pesticides in our READ MORE

The Zen of Relaxation

The Zen of Relaxation

Being a New Yorker… It is a rich and awesome experience infused with the best cultural venues the world has to offer. We’ve got it all here at our fingertips: museums, theaters, opera, concert halls… But we are also the hardest working people READ MORE

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